

Solfege is a useful tool in helping students to understand the fundamentals of music. It uses specific syllables to indicate pitches and can lead to reading and understanding music in a very intuitive way.

Please note that to reap the benefits of solfege, it is necessary actually to sing it out loud. Please don't be afraid of singing and use your voice as well as you can. This gets easier with practice, at which point, significant improvements begin to come quickly.

The basic solfege syllables (for any major key) are:
Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti

In moveable do solfege (also known as tonic sol-fa), do immediately orients the musician to the home tone (or "tonic") of whichever key the song is in. In other words, regardless of whether the song is in A major or D major, the solfege syllables remain constant even though the note names change. The advantage of applying movable do is that we aurally learn musical relationships independent of the key we are in. (For example, do to mi will always be a major third, and do to sol will always be a perfect fifth.) As a result, solfege is particularly helpful for training students in the relationships between scale degrees and interval distances, and it aids in transposition between keys. Solfege trains the ear and mind in the actual ways of music, and it develops strong sightreading, not only in terms of singing but also on an instrument.

For example, whether we sing (and subsequently play) Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star in the key of A major, D major, or G major, the solfege remains the same:
Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol Fa Fa Mi Mi Re Re Do
Sol Sol Fa Fa Mi Mi Re
Sol Sol Fa Fa Mi Mi Re
Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol Fa Fa Mi Mi Re Re Do

The solfege for scales in major keys is:
Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do
   Ti La Sol Fa Mi Re Do.

The solfege for arpeggios in major keys is:
Do Mi Sol Do
   Sol Mi Do.

Lightly Row solfege:
Sol Mi Mi, Fa Re Re, Do Re Mi Fa Sol Sol Sol
Sol Mi Mi Mi, Fa Re Re Re, Do Mi Sol Sol Mi Mi Mi
Re Re Re Re Re Mi Fa, Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Fa Sol
Sol Mi Mi Mi, Fa Re Re Re, Do Mi Sol Sol Mi Mi Mi

Song of the Wind solfege:
Do Re Mi Fa Sol Sol Sol Sol, La Fa Do La Sol
La Fa Do La Sol
Sol Fa Fa Fa Fa Mi Mi Mi Mi Re Re Re Do Mi Sol
Sol Fa Fa Fa Fa Mi Mi Mi Mi Re Re Re Do

Go Tell Aunt Rhody solfege:
Mi Mi Re Do Do Re Re Mi Re Do
Sol Sol Fa Mi Mi Re Do Re Mi Do
Mi Mi Fa Sol Sol La La Sol Fa Mi
Mi Mi Fa Sol Sol La La Sol
Mi Mi Re Do Do Re Re Mi Re Do
Sol Sol Fa Mi Mi Re Do Re Mi Do

O Come Little Children solfege:
Sol Sol Mi Sol Sol Mi Sol Fa Re Re Mi
Sol Sol Mi Sol Sol Mi Sol Fa Re Re Mi
Mi Re Re Re Fa Fa Fa Mi Mi Mi La
La Sol Sol Sol Do Sol Mi Fa Re Re Do

May Song solfege:
Do Mi Sol Do La Do La Sol Fa Sol Mi Do Re Do
Sol Sol Fa Fa Mi Sol Mi Re
Sol Sol Fa Fa Mi Sol Mi Re
Do Mi Sol Do La Do La Sol Fa Sol Mi Do Re Do

Long, Long Ago solfege:
Do Do Re Mi Mi Fa Sol La Sol Mi, Sol Fa Mi Re, Fa Mi Re Do
Do Do Re Mi Mi Fa Sol La Sol Mi, Sol Fa Mi Re Mi Re Do
Sol Fa Mi Re Sol Sol Fa Mi Re Do
Sol Fa Mi Re Sol Sol Fa Mi Re Do
Do Do Re Mi Mi Fa Sol La Sol Mi, Sol Fa Mi Re Mi Re Do

Allegro solfege:
Do Do Sol Sol La Ti Do La Sol Sol Fa Fa Mi Mi Re Do Re Mi Do
Do Do Sol Sol La Ti Do La Sol Sol Fa Fa Mi Mi Re Do Re Mi Do
La La Sol Do La La Sol Do La Ti Do La Sol Mi Re
Do Do Sol Sol La Ti Do La Sol Sol Fa Fa Mi Mi Re Do Re Mi Do

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