Our music & movement classes include singing...
playing a variety of percussion instruments (such as resonator bars, glockenspiels, rhythm sticks, and drums)...
exploring movement and its associated language (marching, jumping, twirling, tapping, hopping, etc.)...
developmentally appropriate listening times...
and learning tonal and rhythmic patterns.

We hope you enjoy these pictorial glimpses into just a few of our music & movement activities!


Scarves help us explore both various ways of moving and the music to which we move.

With rhythm sticks, we explore different ways of playing. We can tap, rub, roll, thump, use the sides or the ends, and more! We experience what it feels like to be steady. We play with the macro beat sometimes, and with the micro beat other times. We experience different musical meters and tempos. As a bonus, we learn how to share and pass out materials, and we learn how to put them away when we are done.


Resonator bars sometimes accompany our songs, helping to develop rhythm, pitch, and harmony.

Marching and moving to rhymes and to songs engages our imaginations, develops our large muscle movements, and internalizes rhythm.

Copyright NWISC 2007—2015